Quantum physics is the language of nature on a microscopic level. Some of its concepts are far from our everyday lives and difficult to understand. Can you explain what Schrödinger's cat is? And that without the terms: Pet, dead, alive, superposition or thought experiment? Then Sciddle - The Science Riddle is the right place for you.
Quantum version is coming
Sciddle versions with concepts from classical physics and climate physics have already been distributed and played thousands of times. The quantum version of the game is now coming in the quantum year 2025. In future, schools and teachers will be able to order the game free of charge and receive it at teacher training courses and specialist conferences. The digital versions will be made available via the official website sciddle.de. In addition, the use of the game is being researched by the physics didactics department at the University of Freiburg.

Principle of play
In Sciddle Quantum, the players take it in turns to explain quantum physics terms. Whoever can explain more terms in a given time so that their team can guess them while avoiding the forbidden descriptions wins the game.
Number of players: 3+
Aim of the game: The team that scores the most points by guessing and explaining the terms printed on the cards wins the game.
Game preparation: The players are divided into at least 3 teams, with roughly the same number of people per team.
Play the game: In turn, each player on each team is given a card and has 30 seconds to explain the word at the top of the card to the players on all teams. Each term may only be explained by one person.
The order does not matter as long as each team has had the chance to explain the same number of cards at the end.
All words on the card are initially forbidden, as are derivatives of the words on the card, for example verbs or adjectives derived from them. For example, if water is on the card, water and watery are forbidden.
As soon as the words or derivations have been said by one of the guessing players, they can also be used by the explaining player. The use of words on the card or their derivations is counted as a mistake. The card must be put aside and is not counted. This also applies to the use of rhymes or the mention of word similarities (‘sounds like’) and noises. The use of formulae, equations or symbols is also not permitted. Players may use their hands (and bodies) when explaining concepts, except when forming letters and symbols.
Winning points: For each correctly guessed term, the team whose player explained the term and the team whose player guessed the term each receive one point. If it is the same team, this team receives two points. On most cards, the difficulty of the term is indicated as a number: 1 (lower secondary level), 2 (upper secondary level), 3 (current research). These symbols are only used for orientation if terms in a certain category are to be sorted out.
The end of the game: After each player has made at least one attempt and all teams have had the same number of chances to explain terms, the game ends. The team with the most points wins.