Quanta in Music, Philosophy, Art and Literature
Fundamental concepts of quantum theory are a challenge to philosophical interpretations of quantum theory even today, and they also challenge art, literature, and music to deal with its irritating aspects. We plan to make the variety of expressions of the phenomenon 'quantum' tangible through exhibitions, concerts, theater and readings.
Quantum meets Arts
Being able to experience quantum phenomena is an essential condition for understanding and orientating ourselves in our world. The art project ‘Quantum meets Arts’ attempts to make the variety of ways in which the phenomenon of ‘quanta’ can be represented accessible by inviting artists and authors to get to know research institutes and laboratories and to exchange ideas with physicists in order to develop their creative potential. Instead of a visit, institutes can also provide meaningful images and descriptions. The resulting works will be used to create an exhibition and a book, which will be opened and published with panel discussions between artists and physicists.
We are looking for physicists who would like to participate in this exchange with artists or writers. If you are interested, please contact Klaus Mecke Hier klicken um E-Mail-Adresse anzuzeigen
Literature describes the world we live in, including the world of quanta and their effects on humans. Many writers have therefore dealt intensively with modern physics. Quantum physics plays a central role in the works of Raphaela Edelbauer, Thomas Lehr, Raoul Schrott, Ulrich Woelk and Juli Zeh, for example. In readings and subsequent panel discussions, the ways in which quantum phenomena are recognised will be explored together with the writers and possible literary representations of quantum physics will be discussed.
The quantum readings will take place in various cities and are aimed at anyone interested in literature. If you are interested in organising an event on site, please contact Klaus Mecke at
klaus [dot] mecke
fau [dot] de
Science & Poetry Lab
Can quanta be made poetic? How do writers use the concepts of quantum physics as a narrative structural model, as a stylistic device or as a fictional world structure? Physics and literature have a shared history, as writers have always responded creatively to new insights into nature.
This project brings together students of physics, German studies, literature and philosophy in a workshop to discuss literary representations of quanta with writers. The results of the workshop will be presented to the public.
Location: University of Erlangen, block event in September 2025
Students interested in participating can contact Klaus Mecke klaus [dot] mecke
fau [dot] de
The ‘QuantumFilms’ project brings science to the cinema. We are looking for regional organisers! Information from Alexander Pawlak (apawlak
wiley [dot] com).
Art and Quantum
Several events at art museums in Germany, primarily lectures or guided tours, are intended to present aspects of quantum physics in visual art or related topics to the art-interested public.
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Laure Prouvost: WE FELT A STAR DYING
Kraftwerk Berlin Köpenicker Str. 70,
10179 Berlin
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Vortrag von Nobelpreisträger Prof. Klaus von Klitzing: Licht, Quanten & Max Planck
Eschenbrünnlestraße 15
71065 Sindelfingen
Öffentlicher Vortrag von Prof. Franz J. Gießibl: "Die Unschärfe der Bildermacher und die Quantenmechanik"
Pfaffenwaldring 47 Campus Vaihingen, Hörsaal V47.02,
70569 Stuttgart
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
World Quantum Day 2025
Urania Berlin e.V. An der Urania 17,
10787 Berlin
Tandemführung: Kunst und Physik
Eschenbrünnlestraße 15
71065 Sindelfingen
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Kunst trifft Quanten: Konzert "TIME" in Braunschweig
TU Braunschweig Audimax Universitätsplatz 3,
38106 Braunschweig
Kunst trifft Quanten: Konzert "TIME" in Hannover
Leibniz Universität Hannover Audimax Welfengarten 1,
30167 Hannover
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
BarBQ- Special Edition im Rahmen der Photonics Days
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Leap Quantum Technology Hub & Events im WISTA Innovations- und Gründungszentrum IGZ Rudower Ch 29/6. Etage,
12489 Berlin
Save the Date: Abschlussveranstaltung 100 Jahre der Quantenphysik
Albersloher Weg 32
48155 Münster
Further Programme
Details of the planned programme will be published here shortly. Do you have your own ideas? Submit your event here.