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Abstrakte Form in lila

Quanta in Music, Philosophy, Art and Literature

Fundamental concepts of quantum theory are a challenge to philosophical interpretations of quantum theory even today, and they also challenge art, literature, and music to deal with its irritating aspects. We plan to make the variety of expressions of the phenomenon 'quantum' tangible through exhibitions, concerts, theater and readings. 


Quantum meets Arts

The art project ‘Quantum meets Arts’ attempts to make the diversity of ways of representing the phenomenon of ‘quanta’ tangible by inviting artists and authors to get to know research institutes and laboratories and to exchange ideas with physicists in order to develop their creative potential.

Details on the call will follow. 


Details on the call will follow. 

Science & Poetry Lab

Details on the call will follow. 


The ‘QuantumFilms’ project brings science to the cinema. We are looking for regional organisers! Information from Alexander Pawlak (apawlakatwiley [dot] com).  


Nächste Veranstaltungen
Sat, 15. Nov 2025, ganztägig

Save the Date: Abschlussveranstaltung 100 Jahre der Quantenphysik

Halle Müsterland
Albersloher Weg 32
48155 Münster

Im Quantenjahr 2025 feiert ganz Deutschland die Quantenphysik. Am Samstag, den 15.11.2025 laden wir über 3000 Gäste zur Abschlussveranstaltung des Quantenjahres nach Münster in die Halle Münsterland ein – zu einem Tag voller Vorträge & Ausstellungen von namhaften Vertreter*innen aus Industrie und Wissenschaft sowie einem audio-visuellen Erlebnis aus Musik und Quantenphysik von Komponist Yannick Paget (Paris, Kyoto) und dem Musikensemble N'SO KYOTO in Kooperation mit Koji Hashimoto (Kyoto).

Further Programme

Details of the planned programme will be published here shortly. Do you have your own ideas? Submit your event here.

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