QuanTour – A Quantum Emitter’s Journey across Europe
12 months, 12 labs, 1 source
We invite you to be part of a unique journey across Europe and beyond. In QuanTour, a quantum light source travels from lab to lab unveiling the intriguing world of quantum physics. Experience the excitement of measuring single light particles, revealing the fascinating quantum nature of light. Get a view behind the scenes of how quantum physicists work. Discover how quantum technologies will lead to groundbreaking advancements of our society, shaking up our everyday life.
The Journey
Get ready for an extraordinary adventure as the quantum light source sets out to visit the top laboratories working on quantum dots across Europe! Led by renowned scientists in the field, these labs are where the physics happens. But QuanTour isn’t just your average science expedition – it’s like a travel blog come to life, offering a one-of-a-kind glimpse into the world of quantum technology. We’ll also get an insider’s view at how scientists live and work. Taking the source out of the lab to leisurely strolls through historic cities. As we hop from lab to lab and city to city, you’ll experience the beauty of Europe. This will make QuanTour an unforgettable journey filled with discovery and excitement.

Follow QuanTour on Instagram!
Stay updated with the latest fotos from the journey, exciting live measurements, and fun videos of the quantum security on Instagram: @quantour.eu #QuanTour #QTorch #SUPERquantum
The stops

The Source will stop at the following places and labs
- Linz, Austria, Laboratory of Armando Rastelli
- Rome, Italy, Laboratory of Rinaldo Trotta
- Basel, Switzerland, Laboratory of Richard Warburton
- Madrid, Spain, Laboratory of Carlos Antós-Solanas
- Paris, France, Laboratory of Pascale Senellart
- Cambridge, England, Laboratory of Mete Atature
- Cork, Ireland, Laboratory of Emanuele Pelucchi
- Edinburgh, Scotland, Laboratory of Brian Gerardot
- Leiden, Netherlands, Laboratory of Wolfgang Löffler
- Copenhagen, Denmark, Laboratory of Nika Akopian
- Stockholm, Sweden, Laboratory of Ana Predojevic
- Wrocław, Poland, Laboratory of Anna Musiał
QuanTour Continues in the Year of Quantum
On April 14, 2025, the source is expected to return to Berlin! Due to the great interest in the source, additional stops are planned. We are excited to send the source to the following locations:
- Izmir, Turkey: Laboratory of Serkan Ates
- Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Braunschweig, Germany: Laboratory of Stefan Krück
Let's see what other stops will follow!
The Source

At the heart of QuanTour lies the quantum light source that produces single photons – the smallest quantity of light. The quest of producing single photons keeps scientists around the world engaged. In QuanTour, these single photons will be generated by a quantum dot – a tiny structure made of semiconductor material. Its size is just a few nanometers – think of it like the size of a tennis ball compared to the earth. The quantum dot is embedded in a bull’s eye-like structure, designed to get those photons out. Fabricated specially at Tobias’ Quantum Communication Lab, we produce single photons from the source at every lab along the QuanTour journey.
More information in the Podcasts!
Our QuanTour heroes delve deeper into quantum physics in the podcast 'Under the Microscope' presented by The Science Talk. What is their research about? What is the personal highlight of their research? What are their wishes? Just tune in!
The measurement
Having single photons is a quantum phenomena. Our proof we have a single photon: We’ll measure a so-called g2-correlation function in a Hanbury-Brown and Twiss set-up. Will you be able to see the dip? If the central peak is missing, we have proven that the light was in a quantum state. Single photons are essential for the future quantum internet, where the use of single photons for data encryption makes communication quantum-secure by the laws of physics. However, there’s a catch: Each photon has to be just right! They need to line up as beads on a string, be exactly the same and, never, appear two at a time. Join the journey to witness single photon production in every corner of Europe.

Want to know how single photons are created from quantum dots?
Check out this video from our colleagues from University of Sheffield: it explains the process of making quantum light with great illustrations:
Photonic Quantum Technologies

Light plays a crucial role in many applications of our modern society, from communication to navigation. When we’re chatting to our friends via smartphone, browsing the internet, or watching movies, classical laser pulses in fiber-optical networks deployed underground transmit the information. But there is so much more: For example, vacuum robots and self-driving cars are using laser light for navigation. Transferring these and other applications to the quantum realm, by using photons, has the power to improve existing technologies and unlock new possibilities. By harnessing photonic quantum technologies, we shape a future where technology revolutionizes our society.
QuanTour and Quantum Metrology
Metrology, the science of measurement, also involves the precise calibration of measurement setups. Within the framework of QuanTour, the same quantum light source is measured more than a dozen times in different laboratories. Such an undertaking is unprecedented but will be crucial when establishing standards for quantum technologies. Therefore, within QuanTour, we are collaborating with the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany's national metrology institute.
The QuanTour Team
QuanTour is organised by the following people:
Pranoti Kshirsagar (The Science Talk)
Together with the 12 QuanTour Heroes and many more people they organise the journey of the quantum light souce. More about the people behind QuanTour can you learn in the Podcasts that are made along the journey

Media Coverage of QuanTour
QuanTour is making headlines – we are absolutely delighted by the media coverage. Check out each article in the local language
05.02.2025 | QuanTour Release | Stockholms Universitet, Sweden
Fysikum vid Stockholms universitet ska ta emot en kvantpunkt som har varit på en resa genom hela Europa. Projektet ”QuanTour” är ett initiativ för att visa upp en kvantljuskälla när den reser genom 12 institut i Europa, allt som en del av UNESCO:s internationella år för kvantvetenskap och vetenskap och teknik, 2025, som valts för att uppmärksamma att det är 100 år sedan den första utvecklingen av kvantmekaniken.
16.01.2025 | Een koffer vol quantuminspiratie op reis door Europa: ‘We hebben echt nieuwe inzichten opgedaan’| Leiden University, the Netherlands
Een koffer als boodschapper van quantumwetenschap. Dat is het idee achter QuanTour, een project dat onderzoekers van twaalf Europese universiteiten verbindt. In december streek de koffer neer in Leiden. Een maand later is het tijd om het stokje door te geven aan Kopenhagen. Maar wat gebeurde ermee in Leiden?
12.12.2024 | Een koffer met een quantumlichtbron: QuanTour bezoekt Leiden | Leiden University, the Netherlands
Een koffer beplakt met stickers van verschillende universiteiten, met hierin een quantumlichtbron. Sinds april 2024 bezoekt deze koffer in Europa wetenschappers die onderzoek doen naar losse fotonen: de kleinst mogelijke hoeveelheid van licht. De koffer, ook wel ‘Q-torch’ genoemd, reist van lab naar lab als een olympische vlam, en kondigt zo het International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025 aan.
11.11.2024 | Scottish university to host European quantum light tour | The National Scot, Scotland
A SCOTTISH university is set to welcome a "pioneering" light source – that is travelling across 12 countries in Europe – with hopes it will transform the computing and cybersecurity industries.
11.11.2024 | European quantum light tour to be hosted at Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University | Hariot-Watt-University & Silicon Scotland & AZO Quantum & North Edinburgh News
Scotland is to host a quantum light source that is travelling across 12 countries in Europe. Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh is the only Scottish stop on the tour – called the QuanTour – which aims to raise interest in quantum physics ahead of next year’s UNESCO International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025.
Continue Reading Read on Silicon Scotland Read on AZO Read on NEN
17.10.2024 | Passing the torch: The “QuanTour” light source marks the International Year of Quantum | Quantum Blog, physicsworld by IOP publishing, UK
Earlier this year, the start of the Paris Olympics was marked by the ceremonial relay of the Olympic torch. You’ll have to wait until 2028 for the next Olympics, but in the meantime there’s the International Year of Quantum (IYQ) in 2025, which also features a torch relay. In keeping with the quantum theme, however, this light source is very, very small.
04.10.2024 | Cambridge Welcomes QuanTour: A Quantum Journey Across Europe | University of Cambridge, UK
The Cavendish Laboratory is excited to be the host of QuanTour, an exciting European outreach initiative celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology 2025.
06.09.2024 | QuanTour: Iluminando Europa con Fotones Individuales | Real Sociedad Española de Física, Spain
El QuanTour, una iniciativa de di vulgación científica coordinada por la Sociedad Alemana de Físi ca, está llevando a cabo un reco rrido por Europa para mostrar cómo se logra la emisión de fotones individuales mediante emisores de luz cuántica.
07.08.2024 | El viaje por europa de la física cuántica | Diario de Burgos, Spain
El físico burgalés Raúl Díez participa en el proyecto QuanTour de la Sociedad Alemana de Física, que consiste en que 12 universidades europeas realicen una misma investigación
26.06.2024 | Así funciona la antorcha cuántica que viaja en tren por Europa | The conversation
Una antorcha cuántica está viajando en tren por Europa, recorriendo doce laboratorios en distintos puntos del continente. El proyecto QuanTour, impulsado por la Sociedad Alemana de Física, promueve el Año Internacional de las Ciencias y las Tecnologías Cuánticas (2025). Y la antorcha cuántica ya se ha encendido.
14.05.2024| QuanTour – Il viaggio di un emettitore quantistico | Sapienza Roma, Italy
Per l’Anno Internazionale della Fisica e della Tecnologia Quantistica che si celebrerà nel 2025, l’emettitore quantico del progetto QuanTour giungerà a Roma dal 13 maggio al 7 giugno.
07.05.2024 | Una ‘antorcha cuántica’ viaja por Europa | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
QuanTour, una ambiciosa iniciativa europea de divulgación coordinada por la Sociedad Alemana de Física muestra entre bastidores cómo se consigue la emisión de fotones individuales con emisores cuánticos. El proyecto celebra el Año Internacional de las Tecnologías Cuánticas (2025) y cuenta con la colaboración de destacadas instituciones europeas, incluida la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
26.04.2024 | "QuanTour" an der JKU: Was Photonen alles können | OÖ Nachrichten, Austria
Spukhafte Fernwirkung, Schrödingers Katze: Die Begrifflichkeiten rund um Quantenphysik erinnern auf den ersten Blick eher an Zauberei als an Forschung. Tatsächlich gibt das Feld weiterhin viele Rätsel auf, die Wissenschafter noch lange Zeit beschäftigen werden. Allerdings sind einige Ansätze zur praktischen Anwendung schon weit gediehen. Eine internationale Initiative will darauf mit einem Schauexperiment aufmerksam machen – und auch die JKU ist mit von der Partie.
19.04.2024 | Europejska podróż kropki kwantowej z przystankiem na PWr | Wrocław, Poland
W siedzibie Niemieckiego Instytutu Metrologicznego (PTB) w Berlinie rozpoczął się roczny projekt QuanTour z okazji stulecia fizyki kwantowej. Nasza uczelnia jest jego częścią, a polski etap koordynuje dr inż. Anna Musiał z Wydziału Podstawowych Problemów Techniki.
16.04.2024 | Quantum “Torch” Begins Its Relay | American Physical Society (APS)
Like the flame that started its journey today from Ancient Olympia to the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, a “quantum torch” has just begun its tour of Europe to mark the coming International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in 2025. The kickoff ceremony of this QuanTour project occurred in Berlin on Sunday, World Quantum Day. The quantum torch—a microscopic device in the shape of a dartboard—emits light one photon at a time, exemplifying the precise control at the core of quantum technologies.
09.04.2024 | QuanTour: JKU macht bei europäischer Initiative Quantenphysik sichtbar | JKU Linz, Austria
Von „Spukhafter Fernwirkung“ bis „Schrödingers Katze“, die zugleich tot und lebendig ist – Quantenphysik klingt so rätselhaft, wie sie auch ist.
08.04.2024 | Einblick in die Welt der Quantenphysik | TU Dortmund, Germany
TU Dortmund - „QuanTour“ ist ein Projekt, das die Öffentlichkeit für Quantenphysik begeistern will. Eine Quanten-Lichtquelle wird in zwölf Monaten durch zwölf Labore in verschiedenen europäischen Städten reisen, um Einblicke in die Forschung der Quantenkommunikation zu geben. Los geht es am 14. April in Berlin. Das Projekt, das von Dr. Doris Reiter von der Fakultät Physik der TU Dortmund organisiert wird, bildet einen ersten Auftakt für das Internationale Jahr der Quantenwissenschaft und -technologie 2025.
04.04.2024 | Die QuanTour startet | Physik Journal der DPG, Germany
Ein Quantenemitter geht öffentlichkeitswirksam und lehrreich auf Reisen.