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Next generation Quantum Materials: Correlations and magnetism meet topology

Sun, 15. Sep-Fri, 20. Sep 2024, ganztägig/all day

Bad Honnef Physics School | DPG e.V.
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Hauptstr. 5
53604 Bad Honnef
Quanta in Science and Quantum Technologies
Performance type:
On-Site Event
Event type:
Target groups:
Adult Teachers (University) Physicists / Scientists Students (University)
Registration required

Quantum Materials research is an umbrella term that describes the investigation of strongly correlated electron systems, unconventional magnets and superconductors, and topological phases of matter. In recent years, a new generation of materials has emerged at the intersection of these subfields, which offers a unique opportunity to study the interplay of electronic correlations and topology. These materials often display a rich and sometimes mysterious phenomenology, with examples including
1) Kagome metals that host topological flat bands together with unconventional charge order, superconductivity, and higher-order Hall effects;
2) twisted van der Waals heterostructures where the Moiré potential induces topological magnetism, non-reciprocal superconductivity, and correlated insulators
3) Topological magnets and charge-density-wave materials that realize quantum anomalous Hall and axion insulators; and
4) Weyl-Kondo semimetals that host spectral nodes pinned to the Fermi-level by strong correlations, which lead to unconventional thermodynamic responses.
Researching this next generation of Quantum Materials is a deeply interdisciplinary endeavour that requires an understanding of a broad range of cutting-edge techniques, ranging from material synthesis and material investigation to theoretical modelling. This school aims to cover all of these areas to equip early career researchers with an in-depth introduction to enter this field by covering basic theory and phenomenology and exposing them to the most relevant recent developments. Furthermore, the school aims to serve as a platform for the students to meet their peers, form networks with established researchers in this field, and foster collaborations, which is particularly important given the increasing number of groups working on the topic.

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